
iEARN, 'samen leren in een wereld van verschil'

iEARN Nederland maakt onderdeel uit van international Education And Resource Network, een wereldwijd onderwijs- en ICT- samenwerkingsverband. iEARN helpt jonge mensen wereldwijd bij het samenwerken, docenten bij het kiezen en ontwerpen van internationale ict projecten en scholen bij het uitvoeren daarvan. Het Nederlandse iEARN is te vinden op  Er is een grote database met voor veel vakken aantrekkelijke projecten. Jammer genoeg zijn de websites met de afgewerkte projecten niet altijd meer terug te vinden. Jaarlijks is er een wereldcongres waar de deelnemers elkaar ontmoeten om informatie uit te wisselen over de lopende en nieuwe projecten. In juli 2005 vindt dit congres plaats in Senegal.

Op de openingspagina krijg je uitleg over het doel van de projecten:

iEARN Projects
MAGINE a world in which teachers and students all across the planet are able to work collaboratively on projects that make a difference in the world. Among the tens of thousands of schools worldwide that participate in iEARN, there is no shortage of success stories to demonstrate the power of iEARN's vision, not only to make a difference in the world, but to deepen the learning that takes place in these connected classrooms.
All projects in iEARN are initiated and designed by teachers and students, and provide powerful examples of how new and emerging technologies can make a difference in teaching and learning. As part of iEARN's mission to improve the quality of life on the planet, iEARN projects involve a final "product" or exhibition of the learning that has taken place as part of the collaboration. These have included magazines, creative writing anthologies, websites, letter-writing campaigns, reports to government officials, arts exhibits, workshops, performances, charity fundraising, and many more examples of youth taking action as part of what they are learning in the classroom.

These projects enable students to develop:

Ready? Explore the project categories to see what activities are currently underway in the network. For help in getting started, see Suggestions for Getting Started.


Er is ook een Europese iEARN tak met de naam
iEARN Europe Country Websites Daar staan allerlei projecten, ontwikkeld in samenwerking met onder ander Hongarije, Macedonië, Polen, Roemenië, Oekraïne, Oezbekistan en Armenië.



De Nederlandse projecten
iEARN Nederland wil jonge mensen helpen authentiek en zelfstandig te leren, door wereldwijde communicatie met leeftijdsgenoten en volwassenen in projecten.
steunt scholen door het aanbieden van en bemiddelen bij internationale ICT-projecten met een lage instapdrempel.
helpt leraren bij het initiëren, ontwikkelen en uitvoeren van projecten.
projecten hebben tot doel een actieve en zinvolle bijdrage te leveren aan de duurzame ontwikkeling van de wereld en haar bewoners.

De in Nederland uitgevoerde en aangekondigde projecten staan op  
In deze lijst vindt de bezoeker een overzicht van  projecten voor het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs. Deze hebben alle een ideële achtergrond met onderwerpen zoals: mijn veilige school en het wereld droom project, aankondiging van een Engelstalig samenwerkingsproject met Iran: This project provides an opportunity for the students in classrooms around the world to share their ideas about their dream world through writing essays, prose, poems and stories or drawing pictures. De projecttalen zijn Perzisch en Engels. Het is de bedoeling dat alle aan iEARN deelnemende landen een bijdrage leveren. Vanuit Nederland is er nog niet op dit project gereageerd. Dat is begrijpelijk, want uit welk vaklokaal moet zo'n bijdrage worden geïnitieerd? Het gaat om schrijfopdrachten Engels en het gebruik van die taal als communicatiemiddel. Daarom zouden de leerlingen in het vaklokaal Engels kunnen gaan opschrijven hoe volgens hen de ideale wereld er moet uitzien. Inhoudelijk zouden ze daarbij steun moeten krijgen vanuit de vaklokalen aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis, maatschappijleer en vanwege Iran ook godsdienst. Zo kan dit projectonderdeel ook nog een vakoverstijgend tintje krijgen. Maar ik betwijfel of dit project vanuit één of ander vaklokaal onder de aandacht van leerlingen is gebracht. Dit is wel het geval met Cities near de sea.

Cities near the sea

A collaborative project where students in Cities near the Sea learn together.

 Themes  Join? Time table Cities / schools Organisation
    This is an ongoing project: click to enter

Ook het project Cities near the sea staat in de Nederlandse projectenlijst en lijkt me vakoverstijgend geschikt voor Engels, zaak- en beeldende vakken. De scholen bepalen zelf welk onderdeel ze gaan bestuderen. Tot nu toe zijn de volgende onderwerpen ingestuurd:

Suggested themes by schools: 

Do you want to be on this list too...Join us!
Please contact: 

In de scholenlijst staat ook een Nederlandse school  waarvan de leerlingen een project uitvoeren met die van een school in St.Petersburg.

St. Petersburg and Amsterdam;
two cities near the sea. 
St. Petersburg and Amsterdam; images and creativity.
St. Petersburg and Amsterdam; cities with a bond!

back to the main page of the St. Petersburg - Amsterdam project


Students from the Herman Wesselink College in Amstelveen wrote about 30 wonderful project booklets on Amsterdam

Verder vind je bij de Nederlandse projecten nog een internationaal project over hiv/aids waaraan ook enkele Nederlandse scholen deelnemen:

"HIV/AIDS and Youth; beyond my own backyard"

A project to make clear how youngsters:
  • think about aids;
  • what they know about it related to their own country;
  • the images concerning the situation in the participating countries;
  • to make clear the opinion of people in their circle of acquaintances, what is the existing image;
  • to make clear the way this image building works and functions;
  • developing ideas about how to go on and the youngster's role in there.


Met iEARN op de schoolcomputers en thuis kunnen onze leerlingen zien wat er buiten de landsgrenzen gebeurt en daarover meepraten. Ook kunnen scholen reageren op oproepen en zo contacten leggen met scholen in landen waarvan de leerlingen nauwelijks weten waar ze liggen.

School in Uzbekistan zoekt contact!
Oproep: School in Uzbekistan zoekt contact!
Hello! My name is Nargiza Khadjamberdieva. I am from Termez, Uzbekistan. I was borned in 1981 on 19 of March. I work as teacher of Deutsch, on #8 school Termez region. I know russian and deutsch languages. I'm wating for your responce. Bay-Bay.
Wilt u samenwerken met deze school in Uzbekistan? Email dan naar:

De oude en nieuwe projecten
Om een goed idee te krijgen van de projecten, kun je terecht op Ze staan in drie groepen ingedeeld in een database zodat bezoekers projecten voor het eigen vakgebied kunnen opzoeken.

A. Creative/Language /Arts:
B. Science/Environment/Health/Math/Technology:
C. Social Studies

Docenten kunnen eerst eens in de database gaan kijken welke projecten er al zijn en wat hun leerlingen daarvan eventueel kunnen leren. Ze kunnen natuurlijk ook met hun leerlingen aan een lopend project meedoen. Docenten Engels kunnen hun leerlingen de opdracht geven een project te kiezen en er tijdens de les iets over te vertellen. Bij onderwerpen die in één van de vaklokalen thuishoren, maar waarvan de docent geen aanknopingspunt ziet met de door hem te behandelen leerstof, kunnen de leerlingen uit eigen beweging een project naar keuze als studieobject inbrengen. Als dat een leerzame taak betreft, zal de betreffende vakdocent daar zeker zijn fiat aan geven. Maar belangstellende docenten, ouders of leerlingen zullen toch eerst elk project moeten openen om te zien of er iets van te leren valt. Elk project heeft een identiek openingsscherm met de volgende gegevens:

Voorbeeld van een geopende projectpagina

Architecture and Living Spaces around the World Project

architectureStudent research the architecture and history of the houses, buildings and monuments of their town. Forum entries start with a brief description of their town, including its population and its geographical location. Students are encouraged by their teachers to study buildings with historical significance, as well as their own houses. Photos and drawings can also be sent to the facilitator for the web page gallery. Students are encouraged to correspond with each other and ask each other questions about their buildings and houses. If it is desired partners can be arranged with another school.

Facilitated by: Christine Kolstoe in the USA.
10 to 17
English, French, German and Norwegian

Architecture and Living Spaces
For more information about participating in this or other iEARN projects, write to


De bezoeker krijgt alleen toegang tot het project, als achter de website ook een url is ingevuld. Dit is bij de nog lopende projecten het geval. Is het project afgerond, dan wordt de website in veel gevallen ook niet meer aangegeven. Soms bewaart één van de aan een project deelnemende school de website waarop dit stond gepubliceerd. De bezoeker wordt daarheen doorverwezen. Bij bovenstaand project wordt de bezoeker van Architecture and Living Spaces niet doorverwezen naar een school, maar naar the Library Media Center. Daar vind je dan het project over architectuur met de volgende informatie:

If you are interested in participating, please contact Christine Kolstoe at
: all ages
: Ongoing
: English, French, German
: Architecture, History, Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Foreign Languages and Vocational Studies
: This project aims at developing an understanding of the cultures and how people have lived in the past, how they live today and how they may attempt to live in the future. It is promoting cultural understanding around the world by linking students together in a study of architectures and how it fulfills human needs across time and cultures.
Classes are encouraged to work with agencies like Habitat for Humanity International to help build simple, decent, affordable houses in partnership with those in need of adequate shelter.

Bij dit project kunnen ook Frans en Duits als voertalen worden gebruikt. En zoiets ontdek je dan bij toeval. Je zou de database ook op taal moeten kunnen doorzoeken.

A. Creative/Language /Arts
Voor de vakgebieden Creative/Language /Arts staan 54 projecten in de lijst. De meeste laten zien hoe kinderen creatief omgaan  met beeld en taal. Ze schijnen daarbij geen enkel probleem te hebben met Engels als de taal om zich uit te drukken.

  1. The Art Miles-Students create murals to establish the Guinness Book of World Records for the Longest Children's Mural in the World (3 miles).
  2. Beauty of the Beasts - A traveling international wildlife art and poetry exhibit.
  3. Children's Rights through Artwork - A project combining arts with a study of the Convention on the Rights of Children as a way to promote students' understanding of their legal status in society.
  4. Comfort Quilts Project - An opportunity for children and youth to create comfort quilts for children experiencing needs for caring comfort while receiving emergency or ongoing needed medical care, following natural disasters, or during times of transition, crisis or displacement from their homes and communities.
  5. Crafts for Education- A project that encourages the youth and students to make crafts, sell them and get education requirements.
  6. Creative and Visual Arts Gallery - A web-based publication of Creative and Visual Arts images/writings that appeal to young people generally (children and youth).
  7. Cultural Recipes Book / Food Project - Students research the recipes of typical dishes in their countries as well as the origin of the ingredients and recipes, and the legends and stories behind them.  
  8. Dolls for Computers - Students will research their culture to make dolls and other objects which will be sold over the internet to buy educational materials.
  9. Everyone Smiles in the Same Language-Funny Stories and Pictures - This project will help students in iEARN to divert themselves after discussing serious problems in other forums.
  10. Eye To Eye Project - A project that sponsors the creation of postcard size images to an online gallery which is dedicated the ideals of friendship and understanding through visual communication.
  11. First Peoples Project - The First Peoples' Project links indigenous students around the world in an exchange of art, writing and culture.
  12. Flowers: The Smile of Divine Love - Students share writing and artwork related to the theme of flowers.
  13. Folk Costumes Around the Globe - Students are invited to send pictures about folk costumes in their countries, describe them and eventually write a few lines about different occasions people wear them.
  14. Folk Tales Projects - Students study folk tales in their communities and beyond.
  15. Friendship through Art - This project seeks to utilize art as a medium for creating understanding and friendship among students and teachers from around the world.
  16. From Slovakia to Senegal with Love - Join in an exibition of children's drawings that will continue from the conference in Russia, and will now travel from last year's iEARN conference in Slovakia, to the 2004 conference in the Senegal!
  17. Global Art: Images of Caring - Students create and exchange artwork and writing on "a sense of caring."
  18. Helter Skelter - A project to share funny short videos of school life.
  19. iQUOTE Project - A project in which students share various quotations of well known philosophers.
  20. Is Honesty the Best Policy? By sharing real life situations and perspectives, we seek to produce honest human beings and make “ The World a Better Place to Live-In.“
  21. Imaginations and Superstitions -Students hope to better understand each other and the forces within us that allow us to imagine.
  22. It's Worth Reading - In this project students will write down book reviews and reports of the books they have read and would like to recommend to others.
  23. Laws of Life Essay Project - Students write about their personal values in life.
  24. Let's Live Without Problems - Sharing problems together and giving advice to each other.
  25. Let's Play Saxibol - This project uses a game to learn sport tactics which work through Internet.
  26. Lewin - A global anthology of student writing.
  27. Look around!–What a beautiful world you live in! - Through pictures, poems, compositions express your love of the life, tell, why you like life and what you help you to overcome difficulties and continue to enjoy your life.
  28. A Magic Flower of Wishes - An exchange of the most popular wishes among young people of different countries and the reflection of them in literature and art.
  29. The Media Mosaic Project: Media Literacy for Global Youth - Provides tools for students to become better informed world citizens, with an appreciation not only of the various concerns of others, but also with a critical understanding of media’s role in shaping and addressing those concerns.
  30. Merry Wisdom Project - Share funny stories and amusing situations which happened to you or your friends.
  31. Moving Voices Video Exchange Project - A project integrating digital video-making into social studies, language learning, geography, civics and community building and other disciplines, and engaging participants in a community of learners interacting and collaborating online.
  32. Music to Make a Postive Change - Student and teachers will contribute positively to music in order to bring a positive change in the world.
  33. My Hero Project - An interactive educational website with support materials which allows students and teachers from around the world to research heroes from all different walks of life and create a webpage of their own that celebrates the hero of their choice.
  34. Narnia and CS Lewis - Join participants around the world in a discussion of the magic books "Chronicles of Narnia" written by CS Lewis.
  35. NEGAI Connection - Peace from Hiroshima to the World - We would like to spread our wish of friendship around the world!
  36. One Day in the Life Cross-cultural Comparison Students describe a day in their life.
  37. Overcoming "Narrowmindedness" Project - This project looks at the effects of narrowmindedness on people's lives, and seeks to overcome this problem.
  38. Peace Through Poetry - Students share original poetry on the theme of world peace.
  39. PEARL - Partners with Educators to Advance Reporting and Leadership. A global news service run by students (in partnership with the Daniel Pearl Foundation).
  40. A Picture Tells a Thousand Words - Students will share an image or a picture and invite all to discuss about it in the forms of expository essays, poems, narrative, description or stories.
  41. Poet's Corner - Students will be able to express themselves creatively when they write a variety of poems every few weeks.
  42. Proverbs and Idioms Project - We want to find the meaning and purpose of proverbs and idioms worldwide.
  43. Repairing Friendships - Students share stories of quarrels they have experienced, their feelings about the broken relationship, and the steps they took to repair the friendship.
  44. Side By Side - Students create elongated portraits of themselves with symbols of their past, present, and future.
  45. Share Your Music With Me- Share your music with me is a program where students around the world create and compose original pieces of music.
  46. Sweet Whisper Project - A forum where students share their writings and also a place for them to discuss their ideas and experiences of Friendship, Love, Freedom, Studies, etc.
  47. Teddy Bear Project - An international teddy bear exchange using email.
  48. Virtues Project - A project in which students highlight,
    investigate and write about virtues that make a difference around the globe.
  49. "A Vision" - An international literary magazine that teaches tolerance and mutual understanding.
  50. The World of Harry Potter - A collaborative work project about Harry Potter, the literature character created by J.K. Rowling.
  51. What a Beautiful World We Live In - Through pictures, poems, compositions express your love of the life, tell, why you like life and what helps you to overcome difficulties and continue to enjoy your life.
  52. What is Sacred to Me - The participants of the project will discuss and share ideas about the things that are sacred to them.
  53. What is Your Symbol?- Express yourself through images and symbols.
  54. World of Harry Potter - This project brings together didactic resources about the Harry Potter phenomenon (traditional materials, interactive questionnaires, games, etc), with exchange and active participation between studants and teachers from all over the world.

Project 34 Narnia and CS Lewis
Dit project is nuttig voor de leesvaardigheidstraining Engels en draagt bij aan de kennis van de literatuur. Het loont zeker ook de moeite om de leerlingen naar het forum te sturen dat dit boek en deze schrijver als onderwerp heeft. Kennelijk doen Italiaanse en Spaanse scholen mee in de moedertalen van de leerlinegn.

Narnia and CS Lewis

NarniaMany peoples around the world have read the magic books "Chronicles of Narnia" written by CS Lewis. These books have a very high educational value, and can stimulate students to think about right and wrong. Many students know this book and can create a discussion community all around the world. Also new films like "Harry Potter" can help us. And, a new film, "Chronicles of Narnia," is expected to be released next year. Join us in the interactive forum below!

Selected to be part of Netdays Europe! 

Facilitated by: iEARN participants in Italy: Egocreanet, the official Italian Representative of iEARN and Giuseppe Fortunati, facilitator of the project.
8-16 years old
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish

Project Participants have created a webpage for the project at:

A Spanish translation of the project can be found at

iEARN participants, join others in this project's interactive forum:

Need help?

B. Science/Environment/Health/Math/Technology
Er staan 36 projecten in de database.

  1. Amusing Natural Science - Can natural science be amusing? A project providing opportunities to popularize the natural sciences.
  2. Animals Are Our Friends - The project encourages students to learn about indigenous animals around the world and to create awareness about the preciousness of wild life.
  3. Animals In My Country - Share information about animals living in your country and also learn about those in other countries from students worldwide.
  4. Astronomy Project - A project devoted to sharing information about astronomy in hopes of understanding more and knowing too that, as we understand, we actually know very little and we will be more curious to know more and more!
  5. Children in Space - By observing the Mars through
    the Internet telescopes, students will learn more abut the Mars and the space.
  6. Connecting Math to Our Lives - Students explore the uses of math in their community and in promoting social equity.
  7. Cultural Beliefs that Perpetuate the Spread of HIV/AIDS - Join participants in gathering information about the role of cultural beliefs in the spread of HIV/AIDS.
  8. Daffodil Project - Students in different parts of the world plant bulbs together and collect data on various parameters (latitude, longitude, sunlight, temperature etc.) and track when they blossom
  9. Do We Have a Spare Planet? - An environmental project stressing activities that can be done to preserve our planet.
  10. ENO Project - A global web school for environmental awareness
  11. Ecology of a Coral Reef and Ecology of an Extreme Desert - Primary school - aged children will research the state of these ecologies in their local and global communities.
  12. Education and Eradication of Malaria - Students analyze causes, effects, prevention and treatment of malaria in the world over.
  13. Global Leap: A Videoconferencing Project - A resource for teachers around the world, enabling them to get help, advice and support to develop videoconferencing in the curriculum, and to find videoconferencing partners and to book interactive videoconference lessons.
  14. Great Apes Project - An online collaborative project for children of the world to discuss issues and raise awareness of the plight of the great apes.
  15. ICT Project - A project involving students in IT and Communication. In the IT section, the group is focused on Open Source softwares.
  16. If Rocks Could Talk...What Would They Tell Us? - Students collect and analyze different types of rocks in their community.
  17. The Impact of ICT in Our Life - Participants reflect upon the impact of ICT on there culture, environment, tradition and society.
  18. Labs Alive - Students share in scientific research and classroom practice with a focus on environmental issues.
  19. Land Usage and Distribution - students will find out the size of their country and make an analysis of how the land is being utilised with regards to Urbanisation, Agriculture, National Parks, Rivers and Mountains.
  20. Life Cycle Of A Tire - Students involved in this project will investigate the tire production, processing, usage, and disposal or recycling options for tires in their country.
  21. Living National Symbols - The images of plants and animals are used in national symbolics of many countries and cities of the world. What is the history and meaning of these symbols?
  22. Mathematics and Agriculture - The link between Mathematics and Agriculture in a global setting and
    Individual countries, communities and schools.
  23. Mathematics Virtual Learning Circle - This project is on an interactive and educational web site about mathematics.
  24. Nature through the Eyes of Generations - Opinions and interesting stories with pictures and photos make for comparisions between the past and present state of nature. nowdays and past nature.
  25. Open Source and ICT Project - Open Source Software is free to use, changing the source code, copying and many more options are avaliable.
  26. One World - Project that engages young people in their local sustainability issues by considering the “whole life” of products and services, and comparing their results with others around the world.
  27. Physics - Nuclear Energy Project - This project aims to re-educate people and correct misconceptions about nukes. It will also provide information on how to handle nukes for it to be Earth-friendly.
  28. Planetary Notions - A publication in which students from around the world express their feelings on environmental issues.
  29. Pollution: A Menance Posed by Mankind - A project to explore the causes of pollution around the world, and ways in which the problem can be alleviated.
  30. School of Clowns Math Project - Writing of fun stories and math problems about clowns that help children to study with interest.
  31. Solar Cooking Project - Students experiment with alternative energy uses by making, testing, and using solar cookers.
  32. Take a Dip: The Water in our Lives (H2O Viva: El Agua en Nuestras Vidas in Spanish) - Join this Environmental Water Quality Study collaborative project to test and compare water quality of a local river, stream, lake or pond and the cultural significance, the stories and practices dealing with water in your community with other fresh water sources around the world.
  33. Teleclass the World - Join in online videoconferencing with teachers and students in Japan, and around the world.
  34. Waters That Join Us- An exchange of the history, science and culture of the rivers, lakes and seas that join us.
  35. Water Habitat Project - Participants around the world study a local water habitat as an environmental science project, and share observations and data with one another.
  36. Youth CaN (Youth Communicating and Networking) - Students write about and interact on environmental issues in their communities.

De eerste in de lijst Amusing Natural Science ziet er aantrekkelijk uit en is voor verschillende vakken te gebruiken. Ook in deze vakgebieden is er weer een inleiding. De ontwerpers en begeleiders van het project zijn docenten uit Macedonië en Pakistan. En ook bij dit vakgebied is er weer een apart forum.

Amusing Natural Science and Amazing Mysteries in My World of Science

1. Who says that natural sciences cannot be interesting and amusing? Why don't we learn them through amusement? What can be amusing in natural sciences? There are many natural phenomena, interesting problems and anecdotes about scientists, which can be found in textbooks, newspapers or on the Internet, but they are not accessible for all. We are looking for interesting facts from life for known and unknown scientists, and interesting details from their studies. Look deeper into your library; search on the Internet and if you come across them share them with us. This year new pages are opened which is reserved for Nobel Prize recipients and SPARKS of WIT Let’s fulfill this page with wisdom.
2. The Amazing Mysteries in My Science World project is about some interesting points of sciences and the interesting points are: Astronomy, Life and Death, Religion and Sciences, and Dreams Interpretation. Students will discuss about these topics, will share their views and will proof their sayings by giving evidences. Talking on such vast, mysterious, electrifying and exciting issues will create an interest and willingness to gain knowledge among them.

iEARN participants, join others in this project's interactive forum:

Need help?

Facilitated by: Rada Mazganska and Natali Trajkovska in Macedonia and Maria Mirza, and Madiha Salam in Pakistan

De twee bij dit project betrokken docenten nodigen alle kinderen, waar ook ter wereld uit om mee te discussiëren over de Amazing Mysteries in de natuurwetenschappen. De voertaal is Engels, maar wederom moet de voeding komen uit de lokalen van de exacte vakken. Daar zijn onderwerpen genoeg die verbazing wekken of moeilijk zijn te vatten. In ieder geval kunnen de leerlingen er zich een mening over  vormen om daarna vanuit het vaklokaal Engels deze te ventileren op het forum. Om op de website met de Amazing Mysteries te komen, klik je op Daar staan ook de verschillende vakken waarvoor iets amazing is bedacht.

physics chemistry math biology geography Spark of Wit Nobel Prize Recipients Mysteries

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Of de genoemde geheimen in de natuurwetenschappelijke vakken amusant zijn of verbazingwekkend voor onze leerlingen, zullen ze zelf moeten uitzoeken. De leraren geven alleen de opdrachten. Elke leerling bestudeert één mysterie en doet daarvan verslag aan de docent van het betreffende vak. Daarna plaatsen de leerlingen hun bevindingen in het forum en maken er ook nog melding van  aan de projectleiders. Zo leren ze ook nog internationale contacten onderhouden in de doeltaal.

Project 31 uit de lijst: Solar Cooking

Solar Cooking Project. Solar Olympics

Solar Cookers

ants are invited to experiment with alternative energy uses by making, testing and using solar cookers. Recipes, construction tips, experiments and research findings will be shared on line and compiled on a web site.

Possible project/classroom activities include:

Solar Cooker International's goal is that by the year 2000 2,400,000,000 people will be aware of solar cookers and at least one percent, 24,000,000, will have access to solar cookers. This could save 4 million tons of firewood per year and reduce emissions of 6.7 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, while improving health and relieving burdens caused by fuel shortages.

Facilitated by: Rowena Gerber and Yvonne Moyer in the USA
All languages encouraged, please include English, Spanish, or French translations when possible.

Miami Country Day School ACES Lab Solar Cooker Webpages ... related websites:,,, and

For more information about participating in this or other iEARN projects, write to
Join a Solar Cooking Project Campaign to provide solar ovens to Internally Displaced Persons in northern Afghanistan

Initiatiefnemer van Solar Cooking is de Miami Country Day School in Amerika. Deze school is betrokken bij iEARN projecten met landen als Afghanistan, Haïti, Mali, Trinidad, Oeganda, Japan, Australië, India, Sri Lanka, Roemenië, Litouwen, Mongolië, de Verenigde Staten en Senegal. De leerlingen leren hoe zonne-energie gebruikt kan worden om te koken. Vervolgens gaan ze kookplaten ontwerpen, die op de aan het project deelnemende scholen worden gebouwd en getest. Het bijgevoegde filmpje Solar Presentation (Movie in Flash) en de PowerPoint presentatie Solar Slideshow  zijn de moeite van het vertonen waard. De leerlingen leren ervan dat de Solar Cookers levens kunnen redden. Uit de internationale samenwerking tussen de scholen zijn ook nog recepten voortgekomen Solar Cooking Recipes. Dit soort projecten zijn uitermate leerzaam omdat de leerlingen, na het opdoen van theoretische kennis over een onderwerp zoals zonne-energie, het geleerde daarna in de praktijk leren toepassen. Als het in het project ontstane product een bruikbare maatschappelijke functie heeft, dan zien de leerlingen ook het nut van wat ze hebben geleerd en gebouwd.
Solar Cooking is
een onderdeel is van wat heet Lab's Alive. In deze rubriek met allerlei internationale samenwerkingsprojecten delen leerlingen wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat is  gericht op toepassingen in het milieu.

Lab's Alive
science classallows students to share in scientific research and classroom practice with a focus on environmental issues. A wide number of interesting and exciting experiments are being conducted. Some for example are to produce sustainable food sources in dry environments by recycling of waste materials. Others relate to saving of endangered species and Global Heritage classified sites and environments. We have the assistance of a number of Scientists in Residence to analyse results between countries. I will be seeking funding to assist participating schools, but cannot guarantee such funding will be available. The experiments are however very cheap to set up and full details appear on the website. We will be running a number of special events by video conferencing during the year. Schools will be able to join in to global discussion forums during these events

C. Social Studies
Deze rubriek bevat maar liefst 78 projecten. Social Studies dekt natuurlijk veel vakken, maar de beschrijvingen laten toch aardig zien wat het project voor leerzaams aanbiedt.

  1. AACTION: American Asian Collaboration through Interaction on the Internet - The purpose of this project is to create bounds of friendship and cooperation between educational communities of Asia and Latinamerica.
  2. Against Scholar Failure -A place for students, parents, teachers and others responsible for education to think about the main problems in education.
  3. Africa Great Lakes Region Collaboration - Discussion of the historical conflict and present reconciliation process in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
  4. Appreciation of our Culture and Traditions - Promotion of a Culture of Peace: While helping students from different parts of the world understand their common bond and linkages.
  5. Architecture and Living Spaces - Student research the architecture and history of the houses, buildings and monuments of their town.
  6. Atlas de la Diversidad - A multi-media database of cultural products, created by the students, as the outcome of their learning.
  7. Breaking Stereotypes Together - A project created to identify the stereotypes arising at the name of the country and, consecutively, the destroying (or confirmation) of these stereotypes.
  8. Breaking the Silence - This project serves to raise awareness of issues pertaining to disease prevention in adolescents.
  9. Breaking the Silence:The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Project - Joining together in a serious examination of the legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (TST).
  10. Bullying Project - A collaborative attempt to address the issues of bullying, teasing and school violence.
  11. Celebrations and Generations - Students research, find and send information about celebrations and to participation in it representatives different generations in country or region.
  12. Celebrations and Mournings - A project to  collect  statements, pictures, poems  and  stories  from children and their teachers about what they do when they are happy or sad.
  13. Child Labour Project - Youth collaboration in research and awareness-raising on the issues of child labour and exploitation.
  14. Child Soldier Project - This is a project where youth can bear witness to the issue of the child soldier and how it affects their lives, their families, their communities and their countries.
  15. Cities Near the Sea - Learning and working together by students on cross curricular themes, related to the ‘city near the sea’ they live in.
  16. City to City Relationships - The Theme or the United Nations "World Habitat Day" is City-to-City Co - operation. You are invited to share "lesson learned" through your relationship, and what your city has done; or is doing to improve the management capacity for sustainable urbanization.
  17. A Community-Based Literacy Program for Underprivileged Students - A literacy program to provide underprivileged students with basic funtional skills.
  18. Community NET-Workers - Your school is wired, NOW WHAT? Make a difference, that's what!
  19. Connecting Schools on the Silk Road - Students involved in this project can explore and compare materials about different places, routes, facts, dates, findings, exhibits etc., and understand the role of trading communications and cultural exchange among different countries.
  20. Corruption - Students share their opinion about corruption in their countries.
  21. Crossing Boundaries-Youth in Dialogue Project - A project linking youth groups across nations and continents to learn from one another ways of empowering themselves to promote the rights of children.
  22. Doors to Peace (Puertas Para la Paz) - Exchange, reflection and activities which contribute to modifying the local and global reality in order to achieve a culture based on peace.
  23. Dream School Theater - Students in classrooms around the world share their culture at the series of video conferencings.
  24. Educating on Peace and Reconciliation After War - The basis of this project is to demonstrate the outstanding power of peace education and reconciliation process in a country recuperating from simultaneous periods of war.
  25. Exploring Community Learning Spaces - The project will help us in identifying various forms and spaces of learning across the globe, many of which are not considered valuable or are forgotten in recent times.
  26. Fair Play in Youth Eyes - Participants try to find out the relation of young people towards fair play.
  27. Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger - A global education initiative to raise awareness of hunger, malnutrition and food security around the world.
  28. Fight Against Drugs - Provides an opportunity for youth to share their views, research the ill-effects of various drugs, and come up with solutions.
  29. Friends Circle - The project aims at connecting youth all around the world in a true and effective way to work on issues of common interest or concern, share information, and have fun!
  30. Friends and Flags Project - A multi-cultural learning project to develop relationships based on cultural awareness and respect.
  31. Get to Know Others - An educational endavour to give students the chance to learn about their own culture as well as other cultures.
  32. Global Leap: The Videoconferencing in the Classroom and "Getting to know Alex" Projects - Opportunities to learn about the lives and challenges of young people in different areas of the world, and a resource for teachers to develop videoconferencing in the curriculum.
  33. Global Teenager Project - A project involving certain countries in Learning Circles.
  34. GoPlanet - Classes from across the world play the game of Go, exchanging moves through email or playing online. Students improve their academic skills in a pleasurable way, learn about each others' culture and become true friends.
  35. Good Deeds Project - Share with us, in regular basis, a simple good deed (s) you have achieved, showing the details and motives behind this act.
  36. Happy New Year Project - Sharing different “Happy New Year!” characters/pronunciation and New Year customs/traditions/resolutions, and then motivate students to show love and care to others.
  37. HIV/AIDS: Beyond My Own Backyard - A collaborative, web based project that aims to create more insight in the way young people/peers think about AIDS.
  38. ICT for the Blind - A project committed to involving students worldwide who are blind or otherwise sight-impaired in technology-based interaction.
  39. iPEACE - Promoting World Peace and Friendship (PWPF) - iPEACE seeks to promote world peace and friendship.
  40. iTHINK Project - A team project, aiming to connect students from all around the world so that they can know more about each other.
  41. Kindred Project - This project challenges people to explore their family heritage!
  42. Land Usage and Distribution - Students find out the size of their country, how much land has been spared for urban settlement, agricultural activities, parks, etc. They also find out about the policies that are being employed by their governments to manage land.
  43. Learning Democracy through International Collaboration - The project focuses on children rights and duties, tolerance and freedom, civic responsibilities and engagement.
  44. Let's Revolutionize Education - A platform for students and teachers to discuss the objectives of education, the obstacles they face and devise suitable solutions to them.
  45. Local History Project - Students reseach and share the history of their own town or area, and learn from the findings of the peers in other parts of the world.
  46. Model United Nations (MUN) - Students network with each and with schools in the countries they are representing at Model United Nations conferences around the world.
  47. My Country - Students can participate by writing, drawing or sending pictures about population, surface, culture, agriculture, industry, economy, and environment.
  48. My Country at the Crossroads to Peace - A project which protects existing peace in the co countries and promotes establishing world peace where ever peace is not to be.
  49. My Distance from Home to School - This is a project that analyses the effects of long distances students walk from home to school and how it affects their studies.
  50. My Dream World - A warm and open place for all students to share their ideas about their ideal world.
  51. My School, Your School - Students will compare school life in different parts of the world.
  52. My Safe School - A place for all pupils, students, teachers and parents to share thoughts, expressions and contributions about safety in school.
  53. My Talented Coeval - Students share positive stories about their contemporaries around the world.
  54. National Heritage Project: Botanical Garden - Students will share ideas about Botanical Garden with other students from around the world through writing essay, description or pictures.
  55. Natural Disasters - This project will show students how to care for themselves, their families and others by friendship when a disaster occurs.
  56. Natural Disaster Youth Summit 2005 - A project in which children will learn the importance of human lives and how to survive from Natural Disasters with students who have experienced earthquakes and other disasters. 
  57. Operation H.O.P.E. - Operation H.O.P.E. links countries who need help in times of crisis with other schools around the world who want to help and build long-term relationships them. Send letters, poems, drawings, comfort quilts, books, photos to the countries in need. People, especially children dealing with crisis need to know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE!
  58. Outstanding Persons of Armenian Diaspora - The participants of this project write essays about outstanding persons in the field of science, culture, art, literature etc.
  59. Politeness Can Change the World - Participants write fairy tales in their native languages about polite and impolite people and what might happen if we don't have good manners or don't show consideration for other people.
  60. Random Acts of Kindness of the Month - Share stories of kind acts from student in your class.
  61. Reach Your Peak - Aims to educate students about how youth around the world are reaching their own peaks and potential.
  62. Reforming Practices and Traditions - Students dialogue about which practices and traditions we should keep, which we should get rid of, improve and why.
  63. RESPECT and Refugees Project - Students will develop an awareness of refugee populations and the issues that they face. This will facilitate support for refugees worldwide.
  64. Schools Outfitting Schools: Partnership with Afghanistan Schools - As the iEARN community and the Afghans for Civil Society work together to support schools for children and youth in Afghanistan, iEARN students are invited to help raise funds to provide school supplies in Afghanistan school communities.
  65. Mission SLYIA - Discussions and articles from Tamil, Muslim, and Sinhalese youth in Sri Lanka and abroad.
  66. Souvenir Shop - Receive information about traditional souvenirs of different countries and the history of their appearance.
  67. Sports Project- A project to share information about favorite sports, including traditional sports in countries/regions of the world.
  68. Students Unlimited- A collaborative online community service project.
  69. Teaching With No Books - Join with other teachers in sharing ideas and innovations for teaching in such situations.
  70. The Third Generation - Students share their feelings and views about old age.
  71. Tours around the World - Students research interesting routes of their cities, villages, countries, write essays, draw, paint, take photos to attract attention to the places in which they live.
  72. Understanding our Similarities through Religious Belief - A project designed to highlight the points of similarity among religions.
  73. Value of Money - This projects aims to help develop personal understanding that money has a lot of value, by not only writing essays, but playing virtual games, having real life experience with handling money and using it in a proper way.
  74. Voyage: Volunteer of Youth Age - In this world what we really need is not cruel wars or hostile conflicts but care and concern for people. Youth can make miracle, and Volunteers Of Youth can create a brand-new world full of love, concern, understanding and cooperation. This is the Age of Volunteers of Youth when teachers and students can explore better ways and offer their helping hands to others.
  75. We Are Contemporaries - Let us share precious memories of our young years, former and present inhabitants of the Country of Childhood!
  76. We Are Teenagers - Project allows young people to learn about popular fascinations of their peers and choose possible new hobbies for themselves.
  77. World We Live In (WWLi) - Everyone has it's own world, world connecting with others personal worlds, but in the same time living alone, inside of you. Please describe it.
  78. Year 1945 Project - You are a news reporter who will investigate an issue from your country and publish a page which appears to be from a 1945 newspaper to share globally.

Al deze projecten hebben tot doel begrip te wekken voor het leven van kinderen die leven in landen waar van alles mis is en gebrek aan alles. De aan deze projecten deelnemende scholen proberen hulp te bieden, meestal in de vorm van schriftelijke blijken van medeleven, zoals het reeds eerder genoemde project 50 afkomstig uit Iran.

Project 50 uit de lijst My Dream World

My Dream World

This project provides an opportunity for the students in schools
around the world to share their ideas about their dream world through writing essays, prose, poems and short stories or drawing pictures.

iEARN participants, join others in this project's interactive forum:

Need help?

Facilitated by: Minoo Shamsnia in Iran


For more information about participating in this or other iEARN projects, write to

Er zijn bijdragen van kinderen uit verschillende landen en werelddelen. Ze staan in onderstaande drie rubrieken gegroepeerd:

Het Centro Interescolar de Linguas de Taguatinga – CILT 2 in Brazilië heeft werk ingestuurd van een aantal leerlingen waaronder dit gedichtje:



Alle uit de droomwereld van de leerlingen afkomstige inzendingen zijn bijna identiek, maar daardoor niet minder goed bedoeld. Ze weten precies hoe hun ideale wereld eruit moet zien. Oplossingen kunnen ze niet aandragen, daar zijn ze te jong voor. Toch zouden Nederlandse leerlingen kennis moeten nemen van de wensen van de inzenders voor een betere wereld. Ze zouden kunnen beginnen met het lezen van de inzendingen en daarbij een lijstje maken van wat niet in de gedroomde wereld mag voorkomen, zoals oorlog, onderdrukking, honger en dorst en wat wel, zoals vrede, vrijheid en genoeg voedsel voor iedereen. Ze zouden hun lijstje op het forum ter discussie kunnen stellen. Ze zouden ook de modererende docent daarvan kunnen vragen om als vervolg op de gedroomde wereld een project te starten over een vernieuwde leefbare wereld. Daarbij zouden docenten van zaak- en exacte vakken behulpzaam kunnen zijn.






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 © John Daniëls