Blackboard vs. Moodle
A Comparison of Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning Tools
Kathy D. Munoz,
Professor, Humboldt State University
Joan Van Duzer,
Instructional Technologist, Humboldt State University
15 February 2005
What is Blackboard?
- Learning Management System (LMS) software partially owned by Microsoft
- Popular software used around the world
- Licensed annually (HSU pays approx. $8,600 each year)
- Used at HSU since 2001
- Over $1 million spent each year in the CSU on Blackboard licenses
What is Moodle?
- “Open source” (free!) Learning Management System (LMS) software
- Customizable by programming staff
- Flexible for the instructor and developer
- Supported by programmers world-wide
The Question ...
Can free software satisfactorily meet the needs of
students, faculty, and instructional technologists for online teaching and
Finding the Answer ...
- Consulted with colleagues at the annual CSU CATS (Community of Academic
Technology Staff) conference
- Sought partners to replicate the experiment with Moodle--comparing it to
the commercial software used at their campuses--so we could compare
- Chico, San Marcos, and San Francisco State agreed to join the research
- Found a teammate at Humboldt willing to teach online and pioneer with
The Project
- Compared Moodle 1.3.2 to Blackboard™ 6.0 Basic Edition using a course
previously taught in the classroom for 20+ years
- First experience using Moodle for both the developer and the facilitator
- First fully-online Moodle course in the CSU
- Facilitator’s first experience teaching online
- Students’ first time in a fully-online course
- 35 students thought they were enrolling in a face-to-face course
- Random assignment the first day of class: half in Blackboard, half in
Features Used
- Electronic assignment submissions
- Virtual areas for group work
- Self-assessment quizzes and online testing
- Sequential learning objects (Moodle only)
- Embedded ShockWave Flash (.swf) files
- Tracked specific student activity (Moodle only)
- Poll (Moodle only)
- Glossary (Moodle only)
- Survey
- Discussion forums
- Links to external Web pages
What the Course Looks Like
Moodle http://learn.humboldt.edu/
- Blocks in three columns
- Course content column in the center
- Course content is organized by “week”, “topic,” or “social”
- Navigation buttons down the left side
- Opening at the announcement area
Facilitator's Feedback
Moodle advantages over Blackboard:
- Providing individualized feedback easily to all assignments
- Easier to track each student’s activity in class
- When and how often parts of class accessed
- From where students access the course
Blackboard advantages over Moodle
- More polished appearance
- Better gradebook
- Threaded discussions easily differentiate between read and unread posts
- Announcements are more prominently displayed upon entering the course
Student Satisfaction Did Blackboard/Moodle enhance instruction?
- 0% strongly agree
- 23.1% somewhat agree
- 23.1% neutral
- 23.1% somewhat disagree
- 30.8% strongly disagree
- 7.1% strongly agree
- 21.4% somewhat agree
- 28.6% neutral
- 28.6% somewhat disagree
- 14.3% strongly disagree
Student Satisfaction Received adequate technical assistance?
- 23.1% strongly agree
- 46.2% somewhat agree
- 23.1% neutral
- 7.7% somewhat disagree
- 42.9% strongly agree
- 28.6% somewhat agree
- 7.1% neutral
- 21.4% somewhat disagree
Student Satisfaction Technology-based activities developed
problem-solving skills?
- 0% strongly agree
- 53.8% somewhat agree
- 23.1% neutral
- 7.7% somewhat disagree
- 15.4% strongly disagree
- 21.4% strongly agree
- 0% somewhat agree
- 64.3% neutral
- 0% somewhat disagree
- 14.3% strongly disagree
Student Satisfaction Well organized instructional materials?
- 69.2% strongly agree
- 15.4% somewhat agree
- 7.7% neutral
- 7.7% somewhat disagree
- 57.1% strongly agree
- 35.7% somewhat agree
- 0% neutral
- 7.1% somewhat disagree
Student Satisfaction
Communication tools: Interaction with classmates?
- 15.4 significantly enhanced
- 38.5% somewhat enhanced
- 23.1% neutral
- 23.1% somewhat impeded
- 21.4% significantly enhanced
- 50.0% somewhat enhanced
- 14.3% neutral
- 14.3% somewhat impeded
Student Satisfaction
Communication tools: Interaction with instructor?
- 15.4% significantly enhanced
- 30.8% somewhat enhanced
- 15.4% neutral
- 38.5% somewhat impeded
- 14.3% significantly enhanced
- 57.1% somewhat enhanced
- 21.4% neutral
- 7.1% significantly impeded
Student Satisfaction
Web-based resources were effective learning tools?
- 38.5% strongly agree
- 38.5% somewhat agree
- 23.1% neutral
- 35.7% strongly agree
- 57.1% somewhat agree
- 7.1% neutral
Student Satisfaction
Discussion Boards were easy to use?
- 69.2% strongly agree
- 30.8% somewhat agree
- 57.1% strongly agree
- 28.6% somewhat agree
- 7.1% neutral






End of Semester Evaluation Composite Scores

Student Comments
- Great experience
- I went into this course very concerned whether I could handle an on-line
course or not. What I have discovered is how much I have learned from this
type of learning format. It forced me to participate a lot more
frequently than I believe I would have in a traditional classroom setting.
Yes, I did put more time into this class than I might have in a regular
classroom but it paid off for me. I learned I can do this!
Student Comments
- It was hard to finish assignments on time because it was hard to find
computer access.
- One of the things I didn’t like about this class is that I received
everyone’s responses to anything on my email account. This made me feel like
nothing was private. (Moodle student)
- This class was a good learning experience. I am not sure if online classes
are for me though. Although someone who is shy like myself the
online posts were great because I was involved in them, usually I don’t
participate much in class.
Student Comments
- I enjoyed the fact that I could log on whenever I wanted. The elimination
of my alarm going off at 7:30 was awesome! I enjoyed the material and how it
was presented.
- I found it difficult to remember that I had an online class that I had to
check in with 3 or more times per week.
- Overall I thought that the online learning experience was good.
I felt that I learned a lot and was forced to read the text more than
I do for most of my classes.
Student Comments
- One thing that I didn't like was having too post 3 times a week. Sometimes,
if I was one of the last people to say anything, I would have to come up with
something original to say after their was not much else to add about the
subject. It did't happen too often though. I just like how in a
sit down class, when your having a bad day you can just let others speak up.
- I had a hard time in this class because it was online. I learn better in
the classroom with the teacher and students physically present in class.
- I really enjoyed taking an online class and look forward to taking another
one this summer!
Student Comments
- I really enjoyed taking this class and I learned a lot and think I will be
able to apply this knowledge in the future.
- I do feel like I would have learned more if it was in a class setting. I
sometimes did not have the motivation to "learn" the material. With that said,
I also did learn some valuable info. The posts made it easy to express my
thoughts and particapte with class mates.
- When we first started this class I wasnt thrilled about the
idea of an online class, however it ended up being alright.
Having the class online gave me the time to do the work around my schedule and
I really liked having that liniancy.
Developer's Feedback
Moodle advantages over Blackboard:
- Easier to maneuver (fewer “clicks”!)
- Less area monopolized for navigation
- Easier to incorporate multimedia elements
- More tools available (glossary, poll, lesson, journal)
- Track student activity to see which parts of the course are preferred
- Quiz tool scores correctly and provides details on the student’s use
- Can be customized to add desired features
- Features are robust
- Survey allows as few as two choices
Developer's Feedback
Blackboard advantages over Moodle:
- Moodle’s fixed block at the top wastes screen “real estate”
- Blackboard’s features seem more intuitive for beginners
- Built-in survey tool already available
- Readily available “Resources” area for external web sites to be grouped
Moodle or Blackboard for Future Courses?

Developer Satisfaction
- Excellent local support to customize Moodle with more desirable features
- Better results incorporating video in Moodle
- Campus support to explain features and make implementation suggestions
- Flexibility results in some confusion when Moodle features are changed
with no warning
- Remarkable array of tools in Moodle—some unavailable in Blackboard
- Not all Blackboard features work like they should: quiz scoring,
replicating the course without breaking internal links, etc.
Moodle Customizations
- Essay questions added to the quiz module
- Surveys added
- Gradebook improved with added features
- Date/time programming for topics and/or individual activities
- Quickmail: Allows emailing all or selected students in a course with
attachments and a history
- Features added to Moodle's Lesson module
- MyFiles: Students and faculty share files with selected groups
- Return Assignment: Faculty return graded assignments to students
Student Satisfaction
Would like another (Blackboard/Moodle) course
- 46.2% strongly or somewhat agree
- 30.8% neutral
- 23.1% somewhat or strongly disagree
- 57.2% strongly or somewhat agree
- 21.4% neutral
- 21.4% somewhat or strongly disagree
Student Satisfaction
Which do you prefer, Moodle or Blackboard?
No preference – 42.9%
Moodle - 35.7%
Blackboard - 21.4%
Dr. Kathy D. Munoz, Professor (kdm1@humboldt.edu)
Joan Van Duzer, Instructional Technologist (joan@humboldt.edu)
John Daniëls